weekly update :: mama

This week I conquered my fear of zips. And the result wasn't too bad, not excellent, but not terrible. I can only get better :: I have a few zips, and more than a few ideas waiting to be put into action.
I did strip piecing for this. Something that I have been slowly working on over that past few weeks. And then we did it at the workshop I went to a few weekends ago. We did it onto iron-on interfacing, which is something that I don't use normally, but I really liked it. So, I'm going to do a bit more experimenting with it.

I have been sewing strips onto paper, and loving the sound as the needle pierces through the crisp parchment. And also loving the freedom of using fabric combinations that may not necessarily work for a piece of wearable (ie a bag or similar) 'art'. Some things are so fleeting or looked at in a different way, so can be put together differently. With different views, or eyes, or ideas. One card Sam foam-core mounted for my Dad, for his birthday. Another went to Sarah as part of our Valentine's Swap.
This little purse isn't lined. I like looking inside and seeing the stitch lines through the calico. I really love that 'negative space' aspect of it. Almost like the refuse, the discarded. The messy inside stitching lines are normally hidden out of sight. The cards, also, have the stitch lines quite exposed and obvious in their insides. On show.
I have another purse all ready to be sewn together, and zip sewn on. So, maybe tomorrow - if Mishi has proper naps!

Oh, and with my new rotary blade and cutting mat these sort of projects will be even more fun. Cut lines will be straighter, which means that sewing lines will be straighter (theoretically).
Ellie ~ Petalplum

Educator, textile artist, maker, writer, photographer, creativity coach & bespoke web designer (among quite a few other things). 
I love working with textiles, natural dyes & slow mindful moments, as well as guiding creatives (artists, crafters, photographers, alternatives therapies) on how to best share their work, voice & authentic self with their community & audience. 

Mama to 3, live in Northern NSW, Australia

Instagram @petalplum


swap photos


weekly update :: kids